Thursday, May 2, 2019

Biggest mistakes you can do in Employer Branding

Failure to do the employer branding in the accurate way leads companies to lose its employees as well as the top talents available in the market. If a talent hired with a mistaken employer brand strategy there's is a high tendency of his contributing to increase the employer turnover by his leaving.

Here are the four biggest mistakes that a company may make in employer branding.

False promises to prospect employees

There is a high likelihood that when the workplace does not meet the expectations of employees, they are more likely to feel less satisfied with their jobs. (Zaho 2007)

Therefore employer branding must an authentic representation of the company's culture and values. The biggest mistake that the companies tend to do is that they are going to imitate their competitors employer branding strategies and apply them in their organization which do not reflect the company's true image and values. They fail to identify that it's competitors' values and culture and strategies not theirs. Therefore after hiring, what the employer find in the company is against his perception and directly impacts on the employer to be frustrated and leave.

They think that Employer Branding is one time effort  

Employer branding is not a one time effort. may organizations think that the employer branding process limited a temporary campaign or one time effort that automatically ends up with its execution. Employer branding is a continuous effort that needs adjustments and reviewing as the company reshapes, resizes or evolve with time.

Featuring overly posed photos

In your employer branding advertisement or a message you are featuring the overly posed photos. Those photos are tactfully posed to get the attention by the actors to attract the relevant audience with may be a fake gaze or a smile which does not reflect the real experience within the company. Another example to clarify this bit more is, take the background of the photo. for the picture purpose the background of the work environment is set to appear more professional or captivating. But when the recruited comes to the premises, it's not what he saw before. It basically avoids prospects seeing the real company as it is. (Moy R., 2017)

Absence on internet

If your career site is not in the first search results in your organization, there's a high tendency you might lose to attract great talents in the market. Most of the companies do not pay that much of attention on this. But the presence in the cyberspace is worth more than thought. Therefore the companies need to do SEO practice to make sure that the employer brand is visible to its clients and easy to access the relevant job posts. So that it is easy for the prospects to go through and have a complete idea before they attend to the interview making the perception gaps minimal.

Moy, R. 2017. Employer Branding Mistakes That Ruin Your Company's Reputation. [Online]Available at: <> [Accessed on 02 May 2019]

Ley phan, L. 2018. The #1 Most Common Employer Branding Mistake They See Companies Make. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 02 May 2019]

Common Employment Branding Mistakes to Avoid. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 02 May 2019]

Zhao et al2007. The Impact of Psychological Contract Breach on Work-Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis Personnel Psychology.PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY. [Online]. 60(10), 647-653. . Available at: <> [Accessed 03 May 2019]

Moy, R. 2017. Employer Branding Mistakes That Ruin Your Company's Reputation. [Online]. . Available at: <> [Accessed 02 May 2019]


  1. The factors which affects employee branding includes psychological, economical and functional benefits. Convincing these benefits to potential employees and make them believe as a great place to work is called employee branding. (Wilden, Gudergan and Lings, 2010) If they feel that these benefits are not actually available, adverse effect on employee branding is inevitable.

    Wilden, R., Gudergan, S. and Lings, I. (2010) ‘Employer branding: Strategic implications for staff recruitment. Journal of Marketing Management’, Journal of Marketing Management · April 2010, 26(1–2), pp. 56–73.

  2. This is a great helpful article about Employer Branding you explain all the details well.
