If you can make your strategies in the right way to position your organization in the potential job seekers' mind, the result will be amazing. But the market is so competitive. you've got to differentiate your brand among others and make it unique. Therefore getting there does not come without challenges.
Here are the common challenges that the organizations face in Employer Branding
Not knowing where to begin
Many organizations struggle to find where to begin in taking branding initiatives. This happens usually when the employer and employee relationship is not that strong especially when the employers do not listen to their employees and their issues. in thee face of such challenges what the organizations will have to do is try being in the applicant's shoes and understand their perception of the company, choosing the most appropriate communication channels and it is also recommended to review the interview process before hiring.
Inconsistency of Messaging
Failure to deliver organization's employer brand message is commonly found in the context. Therefore you need to be consistent in delivering the right message addressing EVPs through the relevant communication channels. Because without this, both potential and current employees may get confused of employer values and finally lose the good image of the company making the potential employees go to competitive brands while the existing leave the company. Hence, maintenance of consistency of messaging remains as a huge challenge.
Lack of capacity
When the companies have not specifically staff for branding activities, companies face this challenge as the lack of capacity leads other departments to be involved in the same branding activities making their work load much more heavier.
Managing multiple employer branding channels
Managing multitple employer branding channels is a huge challenge. Employer branding channels used by different companies are different from one another. a channel may work well for you and the same channel will not make fruits for the other employer depending on many factors as products, culture, corporate strategy, audience and so on.
Managing multiple employer branding channels
Managing multitple employer branding channels is a huge challenge. Employer branding channels used by different companies are different from one another. a channel may work well for you and the same channel will not make fruits for the other employer depending on many factors as products, culture, corporate strategy, audience and so on.
2019. Top Employer Branding Challenges. [Online]. Available at: <https://www.forrich.net/top-employer-branding-challenges> [ Accessed on 02 May 2019]
2016. Employer Branding Campaigns: 5 Hurdles You’ll Have to Jump at Some Point. [Online]. Available at: <https://www.jibe.com/blog/5-employer-branding-challenges-most-companies-face> [Accessed on 0 2 May 2019]
One of the problem of employee branding is they don’t have anyone with the capacity to manage the additional work load. Many companies have few employees can take extra work load. It is important to have pre plan rather than sudden utilize a scatter gun approach. The people have digital marketing skills then can execute a strong employer branding plan. If companies may not have the luxury of a marketing team so they can outsource it.(Jons, 2019)
ReplyDeleteJons, B. (2019) Greatest employer branding challenges. Jobholler [Online].
Available at< https://jobholler.com/employer-branding/top-five-greatest-employer-branding-challenges/.>.[Accessed on 03 May 2019]..
This is a great helpful article about Employer Branding you explain all the details well.